"Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat." --Brad Smith
With that simple prayer a movement was started right in our own backyard. Twenty years ago at Spring Valley Presbyterian Church the youth group caught a vision. Since then over $50 million has been donated to soup kitchens, food banks, and other charities all across the country. Many churches also participate in a one day service blitz on the Saturday of the big game. Maybe next year we will get in on that action as well. This Sunday we will have students posted at the doors as you leave the Sanctuary or gym with soup pots. Please give generously as 100% of the donations collected will go to the Master's Table Soup kitchen here in Augusta. The beauty of the Souper Bowl is that none of the donations leave the local area. Your money goes to help your community. No matter which team you are pulling for we can all be on the same team Sunday morning! Don't forget the Super Bowl Party at 5:00!
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